August 24, 2021

Feature Highlight: Microphone

Welcome to the first entry in our new series, Feature Highlights!

With "Feature Highlights" we wanted to offer our community a deeper dive into the functionality of our devices while showing concrete proof of the actual data that they can capture. Each entry in the series will focus on a different feature of our devices and break down What the feature is, Why we feel it is important to the product, How the device accomplishes this task and finally Prove we have the feature working with a test case example. We hope these Feature Highlights will help further explain the many uses and benefits of a Justifire® device in greater detail!

What does the Justifire® Microphone do?

The first feature we will be focusing on is one of our 5 primary human senses... Hearing. As one of our most important senses we use our ability to hear 24 hours a day, even as we sleep. This allows us to not only communicate with others but also recognize threats to our safety. We believe as your first eye witness our devices must mimic this masterful ability to recognize, listen to and record audio from any qualifying event that Justifire® witnesses. This audio data along with other forms of data capture, such as video and telemetry, will then be securely stored within your devices cold storage with the option to be uploaded and encrypted to the blockchain, only accessible for later recall by the devices owner.

Why does Justifire need the ability to hear?

Justifire® was built with the intention of combining numerous advanced recording technologies together to recreate your own personal eye witness that cannot lie, be corrupted or silenced. There are currently devices on the market; such as police body cameras, that offer some of the technology within our devices but fail in comparison to the accuracy and amount of data collected from a genuine Justifire® device. The ability to listen, recognize, record, and securely store this audio data could be instrumental in recreating an encounter within a court of law. With a full audio recording supporting our other methods of data capture there is little room for misinterpretation of a qualifying event and a truly factual record of the event can be entered into evidence.

How does Justifire® listen, recognize, record, store and encrypt my audio data?

Below is a step by step explanation of how our Knowles Sisonic™ Microphone works with the Justifire™ platform to record and securely store only important qualifying events, while leaving unnecessary audio data of your living rooms ceiling fan behind.

Step 1: Listen & Analyze

While Justifire® is in an idle state such as being stored in a gun safe, night stand or holster our devices microphone is in a low power, listening and analyzing mode that keeps Justifire® on its toes. Our microphone is programmed to listen for changes in ambient room sound and only begin retroactively recording that data when a *new* sound is detected (or if other recording events are triggered through telemetry or camera data). This helps prevent Justifire® from recording unnecessary events such as fan or road noise.

Step 2: Record

If our microphone detects a "qualifying event" all audio data will begin recording to your devices local cold storage.

Step 3: Monitor & Analyze

After data recording has begun your Justifire® device will continue to analyze the audio and will continue the recording until no new audio changes are detected over a pre determined amount of time.

Step 4: Cold Storage

Once a recording has stopped your Justifire® device will store all associated data on your devices local, protected cold storage. This data is the sole property of the devices owner and can only be accessed through a unique private encryption key. Cold storage allows Justifire® to be immune from OTA data hacks and ensures your data stays private.

Step 5: Blockchain Data Submission

For blockchain enabled versions of our device users can chose to upload and submit their recent data recordings for validation & storage by our blockchain network. This is done using our associated Justifire® mobile application.

Step 6: Data Validation

If you choose to submit their Justifire® data is it is uploaded to multiple network nodes and interrogated by each node to prove the data and its source are both trusted & accurate. If a 100% consensus is reached the blockchain validation process is complete and your data will be encrypted and stored on the blockchain.

Step 7: Encryption, Storage & Decentralization

Decentralization of your Justifire™ data makes it nearly impossible for the government or a third-party to track down, hack, and then reassemble said data… insuring you are the only owner of your digital footprint. Additionally, by removing any corporate middle man who acts as your centralized database you can rest easy knowing your data is not being unwillingly sold to the highest bidder. To insure your data is protected Justifire® uses SHA256 cryptographic computation algorithms, the most secure way, digitally, to protect your digital assets and personal data. SHA-256 stands for Secure Hash Algorithm – 256 bit and is a type of hash function commonly used in Blockchain. A hash function is a type of mathematical function which turns data into a fingerprint of that data called a hash.

Step 8: Data Recall

In the event Justifire® data is needed as evidence in a court of law it can be recalled and downloaded by the devices owner years after an event has taken place.

Testing 1..2..3... let's hear it work!

Take a listen as Justifire® detects and records a voice test during an internal test last year. This is an actual sound recording from our connected Knowles Sisonic™ microphone and highlights the quality of sound recordings from our devices.

What hardware are you using?

Our Justifire® devices currently utilizes the SPW0690LM4H-1 Sisonic™ microphone from Knowles. A brief introduction of the device from Knowles:

"The SPW0690LM4H-1 is a miniature, high-performance, low power, bottom port silicon digital microphone with a single bit PDM output. Using Knowles’ proven high performance SiSonicTM MEMS technology, the SPW0690LM4H-1 consists of an acoustic sensor, a low noise input buffer, and a sigma-delta modulator. These devices are suitable for applications such as cellphones, smart phones, laptop computers, sensors, digital still cameras, portable music recorders, and other portable electronic devices where excellent wideband audio performance and RF immunity are required."

Want to learn more about our microphone hardware? Download the data sheet here.

Let's make some noise!

We here at Justifire® could not be more excited to begin sharing more detailed information like this with our supporters and we hope you will continue to learn more about our devices through our future Feature Highlights. If you have any questions about Justifire® and it's audio capturing capabilities please email

August 20, 2021

Hard At Work

While the entire world navigates these difficult times the Justifire® team has stayed hard at work making leaps and bounds in our product development!